

A success like 2022 needs to be celebrated! After the motorsport day at Twin Busch GmbH in Bensheim, the championship celebration followed on the same evening together with the team, family and all sponsors. A fun evening at Bratwurst and Steak together with the helpers of the season to say thank you for always helping me during testing days or other activities was on the agenda this week.

像2022年这样成功的赛事,是值得庆祝的!在 Twin Busch GmbH 赛车日结束后,当天晚上就与车队、家人和所有的赞助商一起举行了冠军庆典,与本赛季的助手们一起度过了一个有趣的夜晚,感谢各位在这段日子里给予的鼓励与帮助!